How To Create A Business Email - Write Effective Marketing! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits!

- Domain registration:

- Solid web hosting (with discount!):

- Business-grade email:

- Best email marketing service:

- Best website builder:

- Top web and marketing tools and services:

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how to create a business email

You’re running an online businesses, so email is a critical, key service, right? And in case it’s on your mind, I want to toast the idea of using a free Gmail or Yahoo email address for your business website.

Using a free or email address looks very unprofessional and amateurish. So let’s consider free email accounts (what are called "non-website-branded" and "non-professional" email accounts) as non-options for your business website.

What you want instead is a site-branded, or professional business email address...something like "", "", or something similar. No allowed!

Now, when you sign up for web hosting for your business website, you may find that your hosting also comes with free email. You can use this free service if you want, but I really don’t recommend it.

At first, it might seem like a nice convenience to bundle your email and web hosting together. After all, it keeps everything in one place for you, right? While true, this actually creates a few problems.

Most importantly, web hosting companies specialize in hosting websites, not in providing business-grade email service. So ideally, just as I suggest you use a dedicated domain name registrar to register your website domain, ideally you'd also use a dedicated, specialized email service to handle your business’s main form of communication, email.

While this is an extra step, and requires a bit more set up, the long-term benefits are definitely worth it. It’ll save you potential hassles and headaches down the road. So as you're getting your online business and your website set up, seriously consider getting everything set up right...the first time!


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