Contact Report 781 Translation

3 years ago

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Disclaimer: This is an unofficial translation and does contain errors!

Conversation between Hanbal and Ptaah of the Pleiadian Federation and 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, BEAM

Seven hundred and eighty-first contact Monday, October 18, 2021, 10:32 p.m.

Billy There's a new visitor today. Be welcomed and greeted together, you of course Ptaah, and you too. May I ask what your name is and what it means? That's always one of the first questions.

Hanbal Hanbal is my name, and it means: 'He who opens the gates'. Greetings too, Edward.

Ptaah I also greet you, Edward, my friend. Hanbal comes here to tell you personally what has been decided regarding the registration with 'Cloud', as well as regarding ... Which you are not to speak about openly, by which I mean that you are not to make it public.

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