Hospital for Sinners

2 years ago

Jesus came to heal both the body and the soul. You and I may wish to be fixers. Jesus is the ultimate. Miracles are moments in which Jesus overcomes the power of sin to harm and destroy. They are moments in which the broken is overcome. One day he had called Levi, a tax collector, to faith. Levi decided to stop cheating people and return two fold money he has extorted from others. The entire community was better for this. Levi then gave a party for Jesus and his guest list was horrendous. If you were a cheat, you were their. The Religious folk were befuddled. Why would Jesus do such a thing they wondered. Jesus said to them, "Who needs a doctor, the well or the sick? I have come to call sinners, not the righteous." Well, that do you think? Join us.

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