This Can't Go On

2 years ago

The U.S. is so financially bankrupt(and bankrupt in many other ways) and the Democrat Party is trying to throw gasoline on the fire with their multi trillion spending bills and the Republicans are largely weak in going against them and some have even supported the insanity. The U.S. is 30 trillion in debt, with over 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, yet both parties keep spending. The Democrats are all about buying votes, and the Republicans are mostly afraid to rock the boat.(Though there are a few exceptions. Rep. Steve Scalise gave a strong speech against spending and general madness in the Democrat's latest country destroying sham.)
Medicare and Social Security are two of the biggest culprits. The Medicare Part A(Hospitalization) and Social Security trust funds will be bankrupt in six and twelve years respectively, and the rest of Medicare comes form the general budget. Medicare and Social Security will have 112 dollar shortfall between 2021 and 2051. And Biden has promised ten trillion more in new spending. This is madness, it is destroying our country by design so they can rebuild it into their socialist utopian dream. Medicare and Social Security have to be phased out in favor of the free market. The country won't survive the massively surmounting debt they and other big government programs have wrought.

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