I have a Boyfriend / Girlfriend #SocialDancing

3 years ago

I have a Boyfriend / Girlfriend #SocialDancing

In the past when I have revealed I have a bf some people seem a little judgey or get defensive like they were just being friendly.

Most dance socials are super platonic on the dance floor. Everyone knows that people are just there to get better at dancing. But out at a bar/club, you may want to specify that you have a boyfriend but still want to dance. That will let them know your boundary but still let you both share a fun dance together

You could bring your BF to one or two dance socials, and you can introduce him around and in a nice way make it a well known fact that you are in a relationship. Make sure he meets some of your lady friends and they will make sure it goes out through the grapevine. Just a thought.

You could wear a ring.

Conversely, just randomly flat out stating you have a BF can come off as an unsolicited rejection.
There is a bit of finesse that has to be utilized. You can often work in the fact that you are (married /in a relationship) into the first couple of minutes of a conversation so people know my status.
You could try to do that in a non-threatening way, just by dropping it into a conversation as a passing point and not as a "I have a boyfriend" conversation killer. Understand casually talking about your partner helps. just very casually talk about what your bf and you would do outside of dance.

I’m a single guy and I do treat dances as platonic because we are there to dance. Women aren’t there to get hit on. However, if I do get interested in a woman in a non platonic way, I’d usually try to get to know them and ask what they do outside of dance.
Maybe this is where you say something (for example) “Oh outside of dance, my bf and I love the other types of arts! We go to the museum often to see the new exhibits!”

And at that point, it is up to the guy on how he will react. Something like that is very innocent and friendly. If the guy overreacts to that, you don’t need him as a friend anyways.

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Background Music Provided by Barradeen


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