Dr. Robert Malone - The NOBLE LIE | Public Health Lies Pertaining to COVID

2 years ago

Nov 04, 2021
Source: www.rumble.com/voq8e1-the-noble-lie-public-health-lies-pertaining-to-covid.html

Vaccinologist and mRNA Technology Inventor Dr. Robert Malone mentioned the law in the Federal Register that allows the government to suppress information that is deemed to hurt public health objectives.

Dr. Malone describes the 5 Noble Lies that Public Health Experts are Claiming:
1) “Herd immunity is required to enable economic and social recovery.” That's not true.
2) “Vaccines are the only route to achieving herd immunity.” That's not true.
3) “The COVID-19 vaccines are perfectly safe.” That's not true.
4) “The COVID-19 vaccines provide protective durable immunity.” That's not true.
5) “Natural immunity is short lived, narrow, and ineffective.” That's not true.

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