How should we read the Bible? What we lose when source analysis replaces literary analysis

3 years ago

The dominant scholarly understanding of the Bible (for the past 150 years or so) is that the books of the Old Testaments were not written by single authors; rather, each book – indeed, each story! – is composed of literary fragments cobbled together into a single text. This understanding of the Bible calls on us, therefore, to read each book not as a literary whole, but to identify the different sources that make up a Biblical story to understand who wrote each fragment, when, where, for what audience, and for what purpose. Because it requires readers to read the Bible historically – to identify the history of the text itself – this method of Biblical analysis (source analysis) precludes a traditional literary reading of the Bible. In doing so, it robs readers of a unique literary experience, and perhaps also robs an ancient author of literary credit he had rightly earned.

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