BOMBSHELL: Durham Uncovers Clinton-Russia Web of Deceit, Makes Arrest

2 years ago

In a major development in the investigation led by John Durham, a Russian national has just been indicted. The Department of Justice arrested Igor Danchenko who is responsible for lying to the FBI over the claims that he made that contributed to Christopher Steel’s dossier. The dossier basically claimed that Donald Trump was working for the Russians, when really it appears that it was the Clinton campaign colluding with a Russian national the entire time.
How did the FBI miss this?
The FBI used this false dossier as the basis to issue FISA warrants and spy on American citizens. As the former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, Sec. Pompeo discussed what should come of this:
"We should stay tuned. I am sure we will continue to see more and learn more. It is also the case that these folks were so close to the Clinton campaign that we have not yet seen the senior names in the Clinton campaign appear yet, including we have not seen Secretary Clinton’s name, but make no mistake about it. This was a concerted effort. This was intentional. They were trying to use this misinformation in a way and Russian agents in a way that were trying to impact the outcome of the American election process. . . . This is important for the American people to stay focused on."
As ACLJ Senior Military Analyst and former Colonel Wes Smith put it:
"The bottom line is the swamp is alive and well."
That is exactly right. The swamp is alive, and many of those people are still running our government. We must demand that the people who knowingly spread false information to the American people are held accountable.

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