FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists' Homes 20211105104917

2 years ago

Project Veritas, the only journalistic organization I know (all others are not 'journalistic' but 'sensatioalistic' or worse), has been raided by the FBI in NY.

While Mr OKeefe woke up to a very bad day, I found the Project Veritas' email in my mailbox and this changed my day also.

I remember from other publications that people talk about having received a gag order not to talk about it, and also that mysteriously main stream "News" outlets seem to have been informed prior to 'secret' raids, even in one case cameras and antenna trucks appeared, and filming crews accompanied the raiding FBI 'forces'.

Attached to this email was the video I took the liberty to upload here to preserve it, I can see already that YUCKTUB will maybe remove it because it 'impedes with an ongoing investigation'.

The reason seems to be very typical, especially when you have a background of directly having experienced oppression, and hijacked 'justice systems'. See the tags I put on here, one applies to myself.

Typical secret police method: offer something incriminating to a target, then pounce and oppress, extort, try to hire, or suicide the person.

Is this what America has become?

Here is a very interesting, but typical quote from the notice that Project Veritas received, and this is the reason I post this here with so much detail:

quoting from the Project Veritas email, text identified by Project Veritas as a quote from the FBI notice:

"The Government hereby requests that you voluntarily refrain from disclosing the existence of the subpoena to any third party. While you are under no obligation to comply with our request, we are requesting you not to make any disclosure in order to ... "

I did in the past see notes from people, online, where they said they would have been under a 'gag' order.

I suppose they did refer to this entirely illegal request to keep silent.

My parents told me: 'if someone tells you not to tell your parents that's when you really need to talk to us about it'.

Here it is the same. This request is not only entirely not binding because there is no legal basis for this request.
It is not 'illegal', however. Same as I could ask you to jump from a roof, and as a reasonable person you would of course laugh at it.

However, the formulation is in my non legal opinion straight extortion, connected with threats to make the reader comply.

Typical practice of all 'secret' police all over the world who's practices are even illegal in generally 'oppressed' countries.

The old Soviet Union had a constitution. There was free speech in there as is in America's.
So how could it be that a KGB ran a reign of terror?

Simple: because people did comply.

Project Veritas does not comply. Project Veritas has published this threat loaden "government request".

This is not a 'government request' for a simple reason: there is no legal action backing it.
Using this formulation already is coercion of the worst form.

I really urge everyone:

If you receive this kind of wording, then you really need to go public, that's when you need to go public for help, as a victim of obviously illegal coercion to comply with something that actually cannot be asked from you, and where asking it together with this kind of threats may actually be entirely illegal. I hope some legal scholars will comment on that.

To every upright walking human being, compassionate for fellow human beings who may be under the same kind of threat, it is important to stop oppression when it starts.

Let not this American Nation become another Soviet Union with nice laws and obedient people ready to throw away their god given, unalienable rights, under cheap threats.

If everybody who receives this kind of not would act as an upright walking human being, like Project Veritas does, then many of the current perversions of 'justice' would not take place, and could even backfire against officials who use their delegated power to abuse of a perfectly good system to do perfectly evil deeds.

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