How to fix #romman issue on #ASA5525

3 years ago

How to fix romman issue on ASA5525

Here is step by step on how to fix the romman issue on ASA5525:

step1: if your firewall ASA5525 boot to the romman on the first boot that mean the firewall you running is running through issue.

step2: as you see in the video the amaber light led on the alarm not because the firewall was on romman, but the unit was running through hardware issue. It can be the powersupply, fan, memory ......etc.

step3: on the romman type in "boot flash" or just "boot" to boot the software that ASA5525 running.

step4: after you were able to boot to the ASA type in "enable" and press "enter" twice to enter to the ASA console as defult.

step5: check your show version by typing in this command "show Ver" or "show version" to see if the config register was configured to the right register or not. The config resgister should be registered under this "0x1".

step6:If the config register showing something else other the "0x1" you need to change it to "0x1".
step7: save the configuration by typing in this command "wr" or "write" then reload .

If you follow all the steps above then you shouldnt have any issue to boot the ASA5525 normally .

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i hope you guys have a wonderful day .

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