The Tide Has Turned

2 years ago

[00:30] Big Guns Firing Blanks (17 minutes)

The Communist revolutionaries brought out the big guns—Barack Obama, Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden—to stump for Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia gubernatorial race. In the end, McAuliffe still lost. What a stunning blow this is for the radical left.

[17:00] Virginia’s New Lieutenant Governor (16 minutes)

Winsome Sears is the first black woman ever to be voted in as lieutenant governor of Virginia. But because she is a Republican, the propagandists in the media will pretend she doesn’t exist.

[33:40] Anniversary of the November 3 Election Steal (21 minutes)

For the past year, the legacy media and the Democratic Party—even many Republicans—have perpetuated the big lie that Joe Biden won the presidential election fair and square and that the election was totally secure.

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