5-YEAR-OLDS Will Have to Show VAX PASSPORTS in California | Guest: Lauren Southern | 11/4/21

2 years ago

San Francisco will soon require children to show proof of vaccination to enter certain areas. They don’t have IDs yet, but they will need vaccine passports. After Republicans scored a bunch of major victories, Democrats are scrambling to figure out what went wrong. President Biden is urging swift action to deflect from the fact that his party is failing and its message isn’t resonating. Democratic political strategist James Carville blamed “stupid wokeness” for his party’s weak performance. Instead of taking the longtime political operative's advice, the Left has decided to double down and push more wokeness while blaming everything on white supremacy. Speaking of the Biden administration, it officially announced the vaccine mandates will take effect starting January 4 for companies with over 100 employees. Will companies comply, or will we see widespread rebellion against this government overreach? We’re joined in-studio by Lauren Southern, best-selling author and political commentator.

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