Crazy Main Steam Media (MSM) Have Created Sick Monsters!

2 years ago

Main Stream Media lies so much to people and are so repetitive that people are being brainwashed and do not use their common sense anymore. It is sad that we have so many sick, mental people in the world, because of fake, corrupt, lying people that are out to destroy another human being.

People need to come back to earth and allow their God given common sense tell them that something is so wrong with this picture. And it is all about the lying MSM and the Biden Demons running this country. Paid for by George Soros. A man that HATES America. These people just do not care. People can have their minds altered by brainwashing. This was used in Nazi Germany (where George Soros was born). They are trying those same tactics around the world. They want people weak and do what they are told. These people are all about control. And as you can see, this woman has been totally controlled by them.

WAKE UP! We are Grown Adults that can think for ourselves. We live in a country that is all about FREEDOM. These people are taking that freedom away. Just watch how badly this woman is brainwashed. It is Sad. We have a natural built in Immune system. God gave that to us so we can fight off things that happen in this world. I can only pray for people like this that do not know how to use common sense. It's just so sad and sick how these types of people can be so manipulated so easily. Sad, Just Sad!

Be safe and watch your back for what our country is turning into.
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