The Top 7 Bird Facts! | NafiraMadiun

2 years ago

The Top 7 Bird Facts! | NafiraMadiun

1. There are 10,000 different bird species.
There are around 10,000 different bird species.
They range in size from large to little, and come in a variety of colors!
How many different kinds of birds can you identify?

2. Birds migrate to different parts of the world.
Many birds migrate, which means they fly somewhere else depending on the season.
This is frequently related to the weather of various countries or locations.
If they run out of food, they'll have to find a new place to live!
Approximately 4,000 birds migrate each year.

3. Feathers are found in all birds!
Feathers are found in all birds and are extremely valuable for a variety of purposes.
Feathers aid in the flight of birds. When flying through the air, they aid in wind control.
In the winter, they also keep birds warm!
Did you know that birds use their feathers to flaunt their status?
This is exactly what a peacock does! To attract a mate, a peacock will display all of his feathers.

4. Birds have excellent communication skills.
Birds sing and chirp.
They do this for a variety of reasons.
One of the motivations is to find a mate.
Another motive is to alert other birds to a potential threat.
They also do it to frighten predators away!

5. A flock is a collection of birds.
A flock of birds is a big group of birds of the same species that are all of the same species. They stay in close quarters.
They are thought to do this because while they are in a group, they are safer from predators. They are frequently traveling together or seeking for food when they are in a flock.

6. Some birds have the ability to imitate people!
You may be aware that parrots can imitate what humans say.
Crows and ravens can do it as well... Wild animals, on the other hand, haven't had much practice.

7. The Bee Hummingbird is the tiniest bird.
The Bee Hummingbird is the world's tiniest bird.
It can reach a height of 5 to 6.1 cm.
Take a look at how little that is on your ruler!

#Top7 #BirdFacts #NafiraMadiun #birdspecies

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