SN1134: Brandon Administration, Endangering Society & Globalism 101 | Factions Of Freedom

2 years ago

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Society is beginning to feel the ripple effects of the jab, both from the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. In this transmission you’ll hear me pose the question, “At what point do we see society collapse on itself?” and even the question of, “At what point do the robots come in?” I’m dead serious whenever asking these very frightening reality-based questions.

Never in history have we seen a complex infrastructure like our own take this much of a sustained hit. What I’m saying is that this purposeful destabilization has a rhyme and reason, that it’s a catch 22. It’s good that people are standing on their principles and morals, but it may be to our greater detriment. If these mandates continue, we may see the collapse of industries and whole sectors of our economy that force us into the great reset.

One can only ascertain the reason why such a disastrous plan is still being carried out. Is it greed? Incompetence? Or is it simply blind obedience to a larger agenda. Whether people want to admit it or not, what’s unfolding before our eyes is being cleverly orchestrated for a much bigger reason: Sustainable Development. As the world reels from the blows dealt by C19, we’re seeing the next step to a global governance take place in the disguise of climate change. If we thought a world obsessed over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate was scary, imagine radically reshaping your entire way of life for a never-ending goal that’s pushed farther away with each step.

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