Russia Gate was a lie - General Flynn

2 years ago

The entire Russia-Gate was one big fat lie and deception on the American people. All of these people in this video knew the truth, to include the former head of our illustrious intelligence community, James Clapper, and were lying thru their teeth and the media was totally complicit in this lie. This changed the course of history for the United States and now we face a relentless assault by an elite who are trying to take all of our freedoms from us. Stand up for our rights…get involved in our local communities, that is part of saving our country from the communist takeover by these evil SOBs. There are no more conspiracy theories about Russia-Gate, there is only a conspiracy to defraud the American people by conniving elements in the Democratic Party and its despicable cohorts in the media. And they are now being exposed for what they are—pure evil.

General Flynn

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