Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001) | Mission 7

2 years ago

June 10

Location: Lubana River, Latvia

Bad news. The Russians went on the offensive in the Baltics this morning, three days ahead of schedule. Satellite images show two main thrusts - one along the coast to Tallinn and the other straight past Izborsk to Riga. Senior command is trying to field a defensive force from our bases in Germany, but they need more time. And, we're the ones who are going to provide it.

Your mission is to blow the bridge where the Riga highway crosses Lubana River. This will seriously damage the enemy's ability to bring forward reinforcements and will slow their advance dramatically. Plant demo charges on both of the main pillars of the bridge, then clear out to the extraction zone. Don't try to engage the primary force guarding the bridge - they'll eat you for lunch. But use your own judgement on the Russian camp near the river. If it's lightly guarded, take it out - it'll only add to the disruption.

1 - Destroy East Pylon
2 - Destroy West Pylon
3 - Get to Extraction Zone
X - Eliminate Camp Garrison

R.I.P. Henry Ramirez. I hardly knew you.

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