Dr David E. Martin - This Mandatory Injection was planned in 2015 by the Covid Rico Conspirators

2 years ago

DO NOT participate in the propaganda of this conspiracy.
Included is an admission of a felony criminal conspiracy to kill and maim Americans. Call it what it is, it is premeditated murder. Stop dancing on the side of this thing and jump in the pool. DO NOT allow a single attorney general, US attorney, elected official, public health officer get away with any public statement that does not confirm that this is a bioweapons program meant to destroy, maim and kill the citizens of the United States and the people of the world. This is a crime and we need to start treating it like a crime instead of watching a bank robber walking out of a bank and calling an Uber for them. This is about getting Anthony Fauci cuffed and perp walked. THAT IS what this is about.

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