How to "CHOOSE" freedom | How to be your own man or woman | TRY THIS

2 years ago

How to "CHOOSE" freedom | How to be your own man or woman | TRY THIS

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Choose 138 BPM A, F#, D, E NO Capo
Choose To Be Sanctuary
Choose To Help Someone If They Need
Choose To Be Precious
Choose To Go Way Down Into The Deep
Choose From The Rounded Edges
Choose Any Love That Feels Like Home
Choose NOT To Subjugate
Choose To Stay Forever Young

Choose To Be Open Hearted
Choose To Let It Bleed On Anything
Choose To Make One Noise You Can Feel
Choose To Sing
I Want To Play The Guitar With Sticky Fingers
It A Beautiful Night Down At The Beach
Bring Along Your Bongos And Sing Me A Song
The Stars Are As Far As We Can Reach

Choose So That Everyone Belongs
Choose Only Frequencies Of Love
Choose To Speak Up We Can Hear Your Voice
Choose To Let It Go When You Had Enough
Choose To Recognize This Is NOT Freedom
Choose To Know The Difference And Be Heard
Choose To Really Truly Fear No Evil
Choose To Now Fly Up Like A Bird

I Want To Play The Guitar With Sticky Fingers
It A Beautiful Night Down At The Beach
Bring Along Your Bongos And Sing Me A Song
The Stars Are As Far As We Can Reach
Choose To Recognize This Is NOT Freedom
Choose To Know The Difference And Be Heard
Choose To NOT CHOOSE The Corporation
Cancel The Matrix It's Obzurd
Words And Music By Mark Manthei Copyright Oct 11, 2021
Hey There!
Subscribe this Channel : The Idiosyncratist
One thing that Einstein definitely wasn't was an idiot. Yet idiosyncratic and idiot are related. Idio is ancient Greek for "one's own." An idiosyncratic person is someone who does things in his own way. And the original meaning of idiot was basically "a regular Joe" — an ordinary person who keeps to himself.

Definition of idiosyncrasy
1a: a peculiarity of constitution or temperament : an individualizing characteristic or quality
b: individual hypersensitiveness (as to a drug or food)
2: characteristic peculiarity (as of temperament)

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