How To Write A (KILLER!) About Page For Your Website @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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how to write about page for website

Here's what most website's do with their About page...they make it "about us" -- as in, "about the website" and "about the online business," right? After all, it's the name of the page, right?!

But really, your About page isn't "about you"'s "about your visitor." For example, check this out. Here's an example of what I saw recently on a business website's About page:

"[Company name] is a team of [area expertise] consultants who have come together to bring passion back to [the market]. We have established our passions around solving [target market] pain-points. With over 6 years in the industry, our team brings relevant industry examples to [what we do]. Our goal has always been to deliver exceptional services tailored to your style and needs, whether it be virtually or one-one."

Like...are you still with me? Are you still watching? Even I tuned out while I was reading that. Here, they've made it all about THEM and not about the visitor at all.

As I'm reading this I'm going, "Why should I care?" "What's in it for me?" "What benefits do I get working with you instead of your competitors?"

See, your website's About page is a hidden opportunity to make it all about your visitor. Here's what you'll get; Here's why you should care; Here's how we handle your biggest objections -- this sorta stuff.


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