Missions Conference 9th - 12th December, 2021

3 years ago

This video covers the date and venue of the conference. Why CFM is holding the conference, who can come, how will the delegates be transported, what provisions are made at the conference, who the conference speakers will be.

We also want to discuss CFM's vision for partnering with independent missionaries to support their work in the future, to work in collaboration with mentoring and training and support of the missionaries' needs... to visit your field, to send out more faithful missionaries to join and help you in your stations, and to help you train new missionaries from your stations in CFM's bible college.

CFM would like to hold discussions with missionaries during the conference week this December. Our heart is to see missions expand in Nigeria and neighbouring nations in the years ahead. 

Send in your name and phone number to our office in Nigeria: 08168059254.

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