Mall staff in the Philippines dress up as Squid Game guards

2 years ago

Mall security workers in the Philippines dressed up as Squid Game guards from the hit Netflix show.

Mallgoer Ryan Gutierrez filmed the staff wearing the iconic red jumpsuits and doing a salute while going down the escalator in Lipa City, Batangas on October 31.

He said: "I was surprised when I saw them lined up. They were waiting for the music to start and they grabbed a lot of attention when they started marching."

The South Korean Netflix drama Squid Game tells the story of hundreds of participants struggling with debt who compete in a series of children’s games with a violent twist to win the final 45.6 billion won (38.7 million USD) prize.

The series was released on September 17 and received an overwhelming response from viewers worldwide but it has also been criticised for showing violence and gore.

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