What Happens Now for Dems After VA Election Disaster?

2 years ago

Liberals tremble pondering VA Dem Governor candidate ‘McAwful’ McAuliffe being cornered, neutralized and discarded like a gopher trapped underground with a water hose blasting his hole. But what does yesterday’s results in NJ & VA mean? And what does the future now hold for Democrats? The future is not bright for reasons elucidated here.

First, there is now fated to be many more election nightmares for Dems in formerly solid liberal zones. The reason is simple. First, the American people are scared, confused and angry at Democrat choices since Joe Biden shambled into office.This results from the lunatic left being let off their chains and allowed to roam free.

And second, that Americans are now in a mood for revenge. They are tired of being lectured to and lied about, and insulted on a daily basis. For example, in AG Merrick Garland’s shambolic congressional testimony, he brazenly lied literally dozens or more times. Fair minded citizens listened and realized in his faux-naive answers that he was dissembling. Garland lied about such fanciful facts as his only being able to learn of US crises by CNN. But by his audacious lies he challenges anyone man enough to call him out on it.

As The Stench From Their Spectacular Wrecks Pile Higher, More Bloodletting to Follow

Third, there are so many man-made disasters currently spawned by this administration that a voter-induced bloodletting is in order to demand attention of this ship of fools. Between illegal millions entering the USA, wild spikes in fuel costs & beggin OPEC for more, the Afghanistan catastrophe, taxes and inflation spiraling, covid orders spawning labor shortages -- including fed led firings, spiking violent crime, constant race-baiting, children not in schools, broken supply chains, etc, Americans are battered. Citizens know that this savage and brutal administration means the death of the Republic, and so they are fighting back to save America.

Finally, and most important, the plain fact is these ideological partisans do not have the ability to ratchet down their constant demands for more socialism. They confuse ideological purity with creating a better world. The Nod Squad, led by hairbrained Marxist AOC, is set to block any spending bill that does not grant all their demands. Because even these mindless radicals realize the clock is ticking and their chance probably won’t come again. And so between them, Sen Manchin, and our Punch Drunk President in Chief, unkle joe, the Dems goose is cooked.

The inevitable must now occur because enough well-meaning Americans see through the leftist blather to the Heart of Darkness pulsating beneath the chest of all true Marxists. And so, because of unrelenting, wild leftism and ceaseless failure, Americans will continue rejecting Democrats, returning power to the GOP. Then the question becomes, on their way back from the wilderness -- Will Americans embrace Donald Trump again? And, Will they finally punish the lawless Democrats after years of felony assaults against our Republic? Or as Sen. Cotton warned Democrat colleagues today, that if they didn’t change their crazy antics now, “The chill you will feel next year is the voters walking over your graves.”

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