Medical Doctor (Dr. Barbara Bisilli) Was Set Free From MS In 5 Days

3 years ago

When "NOTHING" the medical profession could offer, was able to help endocrinologist Dr. Barbara Bisilli overcome her extremely advanced balance problems & difficulties walking, she eventually invited me to travel to her home in Sao Paulo Brazil, to treat her using my B.A.10 Program. - I originally developed this program to overcome the 4 causes noted in Dr. James Parkinson's book, as the causes of Parkinson's disease, but discovered that it not only enabled me to overcome symptoms of Parkinson's disease "& MS", it also enabled me to overcome symptoms of 21 other diseases that are associated with the same symptoms. --- This success suggested "VERY STRONGLY" that all 23 of these diseases are one-and-the-same, meaning these other 22 diseases are just fake diseases, the names of which, were invented to help researchers apply for research funding under the pretence that it will be used to help find "A CURE" for these diseases yet no cure is "EVER" found.

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