Was a warrant issued for Pope Francis for Crimes against humanity?

3 years ago

​​"This man (video above) claims that the court that forced Pope Benedict to resign in February 2013 issued an arrest warrant and a warrant for Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) for crimes against humanity, as well as a reward of $10,000 for his capture.
The International Court of Common Law (ICLCJ) issued a warrant and reward on November 1, 2021, along with an offer of amnesty from prosecution to any
Catholic official or priest who will assist in the detention
According to the court statement accompanying it
The order, "Our prosecutor has at his disposal documented
evidence and eyewitness testimony that confirms the personal involvement of Jorge
Bergoglio refers to the rape of children, torture and human trafficking, ritual killings, medical genocide, obstruction of justice, as well as general command responsibility for mass
killings and other crimes committed by the Church
of Rome. Bergoglio is subject to prosecution as
The accused person in accordance with general and international law,
and he will be held accountable by our court. We offer rewards and immunity from prosecution to anyone, and
especially to any of Bergoglio's fellow church members, who
"will help us in his detention and prosecution."
A copy of the order and warrant can be found on the website www.murderbydecree.com ".

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