Medicare Supplement Eligibility

2 years ago

Medicare Supplement Eligibility

For those of you just turning 65 or coming onto Medicare for the first time, you probably wondering about two Medicare supplement eligibility and what. You have to enroll. Watch our video above two to learn who is eligible and what time. Throughout the year you can enroll or change your plan.

Believe it or not, if you have a Medicare supplement plan you got a rate increase, and you looking to save money you can apply for a new plan anytime during the year. You do not have to wait until the open enrollment period in October each year.

There’s also a six month Medigap open enrollment period for folks just turning 65 are coming on the part B Medicare or you can enroll in any Medicare supplement plan and company with no medical questions asked.

Anyone who has Medicare part a and B is eligible to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan, however, all the plans are different as well as the time periods or you can enroll with no medical underwriting. We explain that all of the videos!

Keep in mind every Medicare supplement plan is identical no matter which company offers it. Medicare has standardized these plans making the benefits the exact same from company to company, yet they all charge different premiums!

Imagine going to one company to get their rates, and not seeing how much it costs with every other company out there. You can end up overpaying and many people do.

If you already have a Medigap plan then by all means watch the video or click on the link below to get free online quotes and compare them against which are paying now. Over the last 11 years, we’ve helped over 10,000 seniors save the most money other Medigap Insurance, now it’s your turn!

For those just turning 65, you’ll want to watch the video to learn more about the best Medicare supplement plans and companies, as well as which plan letter might be your best option.

Call today and in just a few minutes we can get you started and on the road to the best coverage now it for years to come!
Call 1-888-891-0229

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