Jay S. Wakefield - Part 2 - Episode #17 #18 - 9/5/21 - Unraveling the Secrets

2 years ago

Author of:

-Rocks & Rows, Sailing Routes across the Atlantic and the Copper Trade (Nov 27, 2009)

-How the Sun God Reached America C.2500 Bc: A Guide to Megalithic Sites (Jan 1, 2002)

-Multiple Issues - Ancient American Magazine (Wayne May)

-Multiple articles - Migration & Diffusion (Dr. Christine Pellech) - https://www.migration-diffusion.info/article.php?authorid=48

Reinoud De Jonge co-author - Rocks & Rows & How the Sun God Reached America

The Unfake News - After the Truth - Hard Questions - Uncomplicated, Elegant Answers - Occam's Razor

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