Smoke and Mirrors, once again....

3 years ago

Archangel Michael "ON AIR" Show Episode #66

On today's show we will be discussing, once again the "Smoke and Mirrors" provided by the Biden regime......

Your hard earn tax dollars, $475,000 of it. Is geared to go to every illegal immigrant, who was supposably separated from their family during the Trump era....

According to, "Not my president Biden". He wants to give your money away to non-citizens of the United States, why???

For the simple reason that they were separated from their families, and that will cost you $475,000 per person!!!

Let me start by saying, this is by far one of the biggest shams, this regime has produced in the last 10 months.

If it wasn't bad enough, when the Biden regime gave away 85 billion of your tax dollars, to a known, verified, terrorist organization, that hates the United States with a passion, who are known as the Taliban.....

We have children who are abducted and missing every day, children are sleeping on the street homeless, and hungry....

Food donations are going down, drying up the food centers, who provide free food to thousands of people in different communities throughout the United States....

Gasoline prices are through the roof!!! Among everything else that you buy at the store or the market today....

Lawlessness has taken over the streets of the United States, because of this regime's initiative of: "Defund The Police Program"!!!

Because of the Biden regime, and it's illegal mandates. millions upon millions of people across the United States are losing their jobs, because of it.

Doctors, nurses, caretakers, firefighters, police officers, teachers, first responders are all losing their jobs for illegal mandates, and the effect is devastating and will bring this country to its knees....

This regime wants to give $475.000 to illegal immigrants, when we have our own problems in the United States with our own United States citizens....

Smoke and mirrors, the Biden regime is using this to fund terrorist organizations to destroy our country plain and simple!!!

Give each terrorists a half a million dollars, and see what diabolical ideas will flow through their heads...

This is an outrage, and a travesty, all what this administration has done in the past year!!!

If you voted for Biden you should be ashamed of yourself, and worse for just sitting back and doing nothing about you putting him in office!!!

It is clear, that Biden has the green light to do whatever he wants!!! And he will continue to destroy this country, and hand it over to our enemies....

If you put your trust in Biden, I got news for you, you put your trust in one of the associates of Satan.....

Now it's time to "WAKE UP", and switch your trust, in Christ Jesus.....

We Are In too deep to get out of this hole ourselves, and Jesus once again, Is the only one that can save us now!!!!

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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