It Is Stanky

2 years ago

Breathing in this beautiful mountain air is so refreshing in stanky times such as these. For the lack of a better word, there is so much crap being flung in our faces, we are living with the stank of the choices of deceptive people, who really thought they could handle supremacy over others well, but have failed. It just gets worse and worse the deplorable choices coming out of corrupted authority as they affect affect all of us so adversely. Look Out! Crap Is Flying Everywhere! Devious Deception! Every day I get up and smell the stank of the new crap that the deceivers have flung, I can hardly wait to see what they will crap next… NOT! Actually, the reality of truth is, I can hardly wait until Jesus, the Fragrance of God comes back and we ALL will bow, everyone of us, ALL, bowing to the true Supremacy, the Highest Authority, which will never be corrupted by this human race! At the name of Jesus, all will bow. Humanity could not handle supremacy, we know no power higher than self-ambition, it is our human nature to take on absolute power that corrupts absolutely. So, we find ourselves here and now in a mess, from nation to nation, sitting in the stank of our darkened human condition. We are stanky, but thankfully so, not without hope for change. Jesus will deliver, restore, refresh, renew and revive us in latter rain. ( Watch, Wait, See. So, let’s make the next right choice, and that would be to surrender our will, soul, spirit and mind to Jesus Christ, giving Him total access to our lives. It is the right thing to be heart to heart with God, wholly-holy aligned with Him, undivided in love, loyalty, and service to God and His Kingdom. Step into the fragrance of God and out of the stank of this world. Let’s be all in with God, leaving behind our worldly ambition and serving His Kingdom. The crap of this world will continue to be flung by the absolutely corrupted power of human beings, but GOD, the fragrance of His love and truth will supersede it with a strong fragrance of hope in our promised eternal life. It is time for us to wash ourselves clean from the stank of this world and give our heart wholly-holy to God. There is no doubt about it that God can and He will maintain a beautiful fragrance of His life in us and through us. God bless ya. Dig Deeper:

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