Find Your Target Market - Zero In And Get CLEAR! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

From zero to profitable online business in just 7 simple steps! Download your FREE Online Business Jumpstart guide:

"Escape the grind, build a fulfilling online business, and launch a better tomorrow!"


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how to find target market

One of the most important decisions you'll make with your online business is exactly who it is you want to work with -- to determine the special interest group or target audience that you want to serve, day in and day out.

You'll be spending A LOT of time with these people. And remember, "everybody" is not a valid answer because it's simply way, way too broad. Not everyone can be your've gotta narrow things down. Not only that, but trying to serve everyone is yet another sure path to business failure.

Trying to be all things to all people makes you beige, uninteresting, and just another commoditized vendor...and that's no good for your online business! Instead, you've gotta be different. "This is what we do. These are our sorts of people. This is how we do it."

Remember, the internet has given you the opportunity to build a business that fits you perfectly and help the sorts of people you want to work with, all day every day.

So, who will you serve? Who will you help? Who's your work for? The key is to find an audience of people who you want to spend a lot of time with, who hasn't yet found a strong solution to a painful problem they're actively seeking to solve.

And remember, you're very, very likely already a member of this audience, too, so you understand where they are...the challenges they face, and the problems they struggle with.


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