get rid or yer gadgets and get to know yourself (piano punk)

2 years ago

always be a pothead in spirit
holy spirit, holier than finest weed strain
they're spiking the fuck outta that plant
most people don't care about anything
humanity will expire eventually due to our inability to accept reality
welcome to the "news" cycle
time is a blur, sped up to mess with our equilibrium
western civ is the oppositve of nature
automaton mass consumers, no question
back in the day when i smoked a lotta pot...
i don't need _______
i gotta have my weed tho hahaha
all you need is that one thing
used to be a drug addict, WE KNOW
just a habit that didn't reek havoc
why we don't trust the weed now
we've always been suspicious
back when weed was illegal we smoked a fuck ton of it
soros? oh hell no
extra endocannabinoids in ag's funky ass brain
doin sumin that i never thought i could do before
i had to have weed to ________
bet chu couldn't tell i used to be anorexic
i don't need weed anymore, that's what Jesus is for
Jesus sacrificed so we wouldn't have to die
paraphrasing the Psalms, but yawl get where i'm comin from
sing me a new song, that's what we're doin Baby
don't matter how many stupid ass "human beings" wanna get onto me
it's not as if i wanna cause any strife
still gonna eat my raw yam
still gonna be doin ____ no matter what chu have to say about it
you'd be amazed what God will do for ya if you let Him
what you're witnessing He gave to me
most can't stomach that alone time
you're never alone
alone means without phone

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