Liberal and a Conservative Take a Road Trip - Florida (THE LAST STOP)

3 years ago

In the last stop of the Righty Tighty Lefty road trip, me and my good friend, the left leaning democrat Jaketastic, continue to break through the political stigma of our current climate and discuss random musings. From pop culture to politics, to our personal histories and homes, nothing is filmed in this segment for any real purpose.

Topics Covered:
1.) Cleaning the Car
2.) Best Pick Up Line Ever
3.) Cancelling Amazon
4.) Letting Jake Be Terrible
5.) Being on Fire Underwater
6.) Cleaning Dishes with Guns
7.) Giving Your Babies to Robots
8.) Redistributing Wealth by Shooting Money
9.) Handsome Women
10.) Biden's Racist to Cavemen?
11.) Almost the End of the Line
12.) Remembering Harambe
13.) Guerilla Bazooka
14.) The Man Who Shot Harambe, A Loose Cannon Who Didn't Play by the Rules
15.) The End of the Line

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