Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long: "Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine."

2 years ago

Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long was a participant of Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable discussion on mandatory COVID-19 vaccines held in Washington D.C. on November 2, 2021. She is a board certified aerospace medicine specialist with a Master's in Public Health.

Dr. Long testified:

"Senator Johnson has invited me here to make a statement to him regarding my opinion about the life-threatening side effects about the COVID-19 vaccine.

My opinion is formed from my medical education, training, and my first hand experience treating soldiers injured by the vaccine.

This statement is made as a protective communication under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Title 10, USC 10-34.

I believe the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to solider's health and military readiness than the virus itself.

Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine, yet the military is pressing forward without regard to the damage to the morale and readiness to process these soldiers out.

We have never lost 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield in a few months. Taking soldiers out of uniform has the same impact on readiness as losing them on the battlefield. 

We only lost 12 active duty soldiers to COVID, yet we're going to risk the health of the entire fighting force on a vaccine we only had two months of safety data on?"

Full video is at:

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