Action4Canada - Removed From Pitt Meadows Council Meeting

3 years ago

Tanya Gaw along with several other citizens arrived at a public council meeting and were scheduled to speak. But due to not wearing masks the mayor shut down the meeting and called the RCMP. While waiting 45 mins for the RCMP to arrive Tanya caught several of the council members sitting together, socializing but not social distancing and without masks.

When the RCMP arrived they were completely disinterested in the hypocrisy of the council, oblivious of the Orders and the BC Human Rights Commissioner's' instructions that people with exemptions are to be respected.

Every officer was in violation of their oath and oblivious to the fact that 'no' Order, Statute, Act, By-Law or mandate can supersede citizen's guaranteed rights provided by the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Andy, Action4Canada's Meadowridge Chapter Leader served the mayor and council with the Notice of Liability before exiting the building.

Fun Fact: Council has been double jabbed and the mayor "3" times. What will it take before they feel safe?

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