GR55A - Bridge of Light Bridge of Light to Love

2 years ago

Within the Pillar of Light send into creation the stream of energy called the Central Strand like a stream of light that connects the energy fields of the layers of the dimensional bodies. Recall and remember the path of return and your higher spiritual conscious awareness will blossom like a flower.
Stages of awakening occur in the field of experience for those who have chosen the plan to channel love into light. Light communicates information through downloading symbols, feelings and intuitions into your vehicle. The next step is for Wayshowers and Lightworkers to walk the talk of creation. All the clichés, promises, schemes and desires of the egos are being dismantled. The schools, groups, liaisons, clubs, secret orders are being revealed so that they can be returned to Oneness.
The energy of the physical body operates a dual pattern of electro magnetic and magnetic interplays. Polarity allows for reflections of source energy to act within mediums termed dimensions, layers, fields, or realms that are indicated by laws, parameters and levels of interaction that produce a third component which correlates to the given dimensional energetic paradigm. This expression combines the two streams of source energy into the central strand energy of progress, flow, desire and/or manifestation.
Dimensions, planes, underworlds, heavens, mansions, realities or worlds are created by the polarized participants acting in co-creation within the zone allowed by Source and the plan of higher intelligence. The science of connections by bridges crossing over the gaps is a magical process of interacting communication. The new paradigm at this juncture within the Great Plan is designed through the Pillar of Light. The Galactic Aura is the Golden Ring of the Oversoul that shines ourtward a celestial corona of rainbow light held within Oneness of the White Golden aura of the Universal creation.
The transition of human evolution, both minor and major moves through the ascending scale or ladder from reaction to creation in a path of circular spherical Oneness of being. The Alpha and Omega as a zero is the end and the beginning. It is the primal number from which the womb of all creation creates life. Cultures are mired milestones from the path of humanities developing conscious awareness. Polarity induced contrast of each civilization’s rise and fall that acts as reflective points to bring awareness of the tangential path of karma. The law of action and reaction moves spirits into recognition of Oneness and resonant healing. In resonance the heart chakra opens and holds space for the incoming energy of the soul to awaken the mental spirit to higher consciousness.
The energy fields of Source are being empowered by the Pillar of Light to inform, communicate, educate, awaken and enlighten the spinning centres of the chakras in a consecutive order of acceleration which allows for the achievement of graduated conscious development. Each step in this dimensional incarnation operates within the constraints of the law of attraction and karma.
Streams of strong new cosmic and spiritual energy radiating to the planet are creating discord to those connected to old forms of thinking. Creation is increasing in energy within each moment. For those who are off balance because they are off centre it is causing distortion, static, fear and conflict relative to the degree of separation. Grounding and centering within the Pillar of Light is becoming all the more important as with the health of the body demands in times of stress and evolution. Energy is spiritualizing substance and raising consciousness to understand the purpose of the design of the solar system and galaxy.
The purpose aspect of will of energy follows the conscious awareness of its Oneness and connecting streams of the energy of love. When considering the process of spiritual evolution in these incarnations it is important to follow the stream of energy from pure resource exhibited by the creative plasma of blood and power of the feminine creational vortex. Through the process of birth, creation is imbued with consciousness that grows into awareness and follows the genetic strands of primal desire for creative expression.
The radiations of light that are both reflective and luminous are being absorbed into waves of energy and pieces of information to assemble life forms as vehicles to experience variable contrasting free existences. The masculine principle of expression expands consciousness, operating in the physical through the cerebral spinal fluid that streams energy to explore, select, choose and assimilate more of the plethora of manifestation through incubating imagination, intellect and purpose for following the underlying mission of the universe to grow and expand creation. The masculine principle of light radiance generates will force to direct, control and power and develop end of purpose and mission to usage of feminine principles of resource, abundance and fertility. These processes are carried out in a polarised manner of the cosmic dance as the two join periodically as they engage in a world of vibration, attraction, separation and evolution.
Through the lower planes of the process the dance moves from conflict, competition, dominance and chaos to peaceful communion and harmonious free interaction. The energy of light raises the vibration to such an extend that humanity interlocks with the cosmic forces of evolution into alloted placement and prepare for assembling energy of impulses that ground the electro-magnetic pulse into the Pillar of Light.

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