GR55B- Crsla Prsma Uplifting Energetic Spiral Grand Portal

2 years ago

Allow the alteration of your state of consciousness to accept reality as manifested from love and light. Give to yourself the nourishment of fresh water, pure food and neutral thoughts of enlightened consciousness. Let the dramas of the world disappear from your world. Value the earth and experience the beauty of each day and night as it passes with your blessing. Absorb the experiences and the gifts of each moment, then your purpose and wealth will be assured as the energy harmonizes with your direction and is grounded in your reality.
Allow the probability, panorama of expression to pass by without judgment and accelerate through the possibilities, choosing as a Master frequency you intend to practice inside to be yours. More data, connections and coincidences will arrive in your world and in these surges you see them and merge these requests into action and direction. It is for you to decree what you wish to hold in your being and what you wish to manifest. As you ground your being with the earth you will find and make home. The acceleration of your multidimensional being requires that you find the access and hold the central pillar of light of your being so you may ground to the earth the stream of energy you have invoked.
There are great surges, waves and pulses of cosmic and multidimensional energies of higher intelligence and Divine love coming into your world. If one is out of balance with the energy it will cause great distress until they become balanced and willing to receive it. You must learn how to handle your multidimensional self and communicate in many realities. Your natural environment must become static free and pure and harmonious to keep from falling into traps of discord, conflict and confusion. Ground yourself by connecting to a spot where you can hold energy of light and love. Sit and meditate on the ground of your earth. Be in nature and stand or sit next to a tree, sit in the sun, put your feet in water and feel your connection to the elements and the heart of the earth. Feel the vibration of her being as a resource that holds the knowledge of the universe.
You are here to enjoy and experience new dimensions of bliss, joy and passion. To experience this connection ground the energy and information your desire into the earth. She wishes to accept your energy. When you understand the Pillar of Light you feel the tunnel, conduit, pathway, doorway, of energy that allows you to be a channel for enlightenment, healing, awakening and information.
You are a vibrational being that holds the frequency that carries the waves, pulses, streams, radiations of energy, thought, love and light into creation. When you know you are being given information, healing or uplifting energy, funnel it like a pipeline into manifestation where it can be received and grounded. Then you begin to understand you are a multidimensional expression and connect with another part of your being communicating through the interconnecting field of consciousness. Let the multidimensional consciousness filter into the earth and you will be part of the stream of creation.
Trust your emotions and make a declaration that they are good and that they take you to sacred and wonderful places and that they are understandable. When emotions are released see how they align with creation and what they do to your awareness. Emotions are energy streams that open doorways into your other awareness. Direct and control their frequency along with The Pillar of Light. They are part of your instrument and you are able to modulate them so that you can get to understand the core of your being and connect with higher intelligences. In your body you hold the keys to awaken by releasing the blocks held in the tissues. Connect to the earth with your bones and resonate with the deep old stones so that you may understand the story of the world you create. All is vibration, spin within the Pillar of Light!

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