GR53D- Sacred Blue Fire

3 years ago

Awakening meanings seeing... it means knowing, and it means acting with the energy that brings forth manifestation. Ask for more energy each day that you may accomplish your dreams and desires. Align those desires through the higher path and higher intelligence.
There are no outer inhibitions to your creations and manifestations... these are the illusions you are walking through, the dark visions of worry, confusion and hopelessness. The universe is vast, open and allows for all manifestation to expand into infinity in every direction. The same is true in this realm of political, financial, social, individual human life. Let your heart energy flow into the future like the beauty of a musical composition with the melodies that life appreciates and fills with emotion and ecstasy.
I am part of you, and you know what I am about, for you and I are one. In unity there will be a growth of the vision, so the path through unity allows for things to be realized. Use every moment to come closer together with every other being on the planet. Find synthesis in common beliefs and the power of connectedness. There is in this place the truth which shall outshine all the problems being imagined by those of selfish agendas and fear of others.
The Dark ones are dark because they do not have energy. Their light is diminishing. You will see them disappear from your sign soon as they have no light to shine. They are refusing to open to the energy that is coming into the system and will therefore find themselves in the dark. The light that is coming is from the shining ones that you are and you will continue to grow with the current of the new stream.
Feel empathy for the dark ones, for they but let go of the fear that keeps them hiding their face from the sun. It is time that you awaken them and speak in love and kindness and ask them to put down their weapons of war and ask them to come back to the Family of Light.
There are so many that act as if there is a war after war after war. They create hidden plays and intrigue on every level. The World of Light does not act in secrecy or subversion,. There is no deception with the Light of the Wayshowers. They speak out that they are love and they give freely their energy for it is replaced by more and more.
The dark ones who hold back energy will face the lessening of their power as without flow there are stagnations and degeneracy. The flow is overpowering and will wash away the stagnant pockets of life that have attempted to hold ground and not move from a comfortable space. The desire for safety in fear of change is a symptom of this fantasy that holds evil and fear as precious.
Look into the eyes of each person that you come into contact with each day, each moment. Feel the heart of each Wayshower and friend that you come across within the family. Feel their heart and ask them to know that you share love with them. You are here in the orientation of knowing the path of the Wayshowers. The design of the plan to create the global transformation into the world of light is coming forth. It allows you time and protection in your venture, for it is always allowing you to grow beyond the dark as the light shines brighter and deeper into the universe in every moment.
When you awaken to the light of the sun all the shadows disappear as the sun shines brighter and rises to its' zenith. The sun in this moment is just rising over the horizon and a few dark clouds obstruct its appearance and so the shadows are keeping many from seeing its light. As the heat of the sun warms the sky, you will see through the clouds and the light will shine directly into your eyes and all the gloom of the past, which was held as a natural flow of dark to light has come to give comfort and creation.
It is the time of balancing and the dark ones who wish to stay asleep and remember nightmares of their emotional fantasies of conflict, enemies and catastrophes are held in nostalgic scenarios of victims and perpetrators. They are hurt and seek healing, not condemnation and attack, for it will keep them caught in their miasma and puzzled by the illusions with private labyrinths. Wayshowers awaken to see past the manifestations of thought forms what have been created from the static of loss, fear and panic and send those of evil intent light to awaken and be part of the tribe.
The political and financial leaders of your world are caught in the dream of power. They only have the power of life for a few years in the physical, yet they act as if they are gods over the billions who live forever. This is a strange and disturbed group that have for so long felt empowered by the might of their own illusions. Why should the billions allow the sickness of selfish desire rule the planet? The heart of humanity will not be broken by the few who would use their energy to inflict pain, pollution and disaster upon the children of the earth. There are no answers to thisother than this is a world of freedom... and the billions are but to awaken, and claim their freedom and know they are rightful heirs to the abundance held with the earth.
It does not matter the power of the elite few hold in your present time. Their possession of power of much of the earth’s wealth is insignificant. There is so much more that the earth offers you and there is no need to take what they have stolen from humanity away. Let them have it, for it is only a small part of the ever-expanding abundance. There is no scarcity and no hindrance to your freedom. Do not cower in fear of these elite few who wish to confuse you with their magic. Let your mind open to the light of the new dawn where abundance means abundance. It is not found in thinking of the ways to manipulate fear and cause physical disease. The body of humanity can heal any sickness in any being at any time. There is no need to be fearful or look to saviors. The time of saviors is ended.
Hold into integrity your vision of what you desire to create and open to the Emerald Heart.
You are created powerful, wise and loving. You are honored in the Tribe of Blue Fire.

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