Texas Medical Board takes 'corrective action' against Trump loving 'Alien DNA' doctor

2 years ago

Texas Medical Board takes 'corrective action' against Trump loving 'Alien DNA' doctor
The Texas Medical Board has taken a "remedial activity" against Dr. Stella Immanuel, the notorious Trump-adoring Houston specialist who has in the past rambled hypotheses about evil presences impregnating human ladies during their rest and about doctors utilizing "outsider DNA" to treat their patients.

The Houston Chronicle reports that the board made the move in light of Immanuel endorsing hydroxychloroquine as a therapy for COVID-19 "without satisfactorily clarifying the wellbeing results" to her patients.

"In an Oct. 15 choice, the clinical board requested Immanuel to submit verification of informed assent – or authorization given by a the conceivable patient wellbeing results for all off-mark therapies she gives," composes the Chronicle. "She should embrace approaches that require all agree records to be surveyed and endorsed by the patient for off-mark treatment. She likewise should pay $500 to the clinical board."

Immanuel initially came into the public spotlight last year after Trump advanced a video she created that promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID 19, in spite of the way that numerous examinations have shown that the counter malarial medication isn't successful at battling the infection.

Regardless of Immanuel's wild hypotheses about ladies being impregnated by evil spirits, Trump last year said he was "exceptionally intrigued" with her and expressed gratitude toward her for advancing hydroxychloroquine.

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