Operation CHAOS and Northwoods Bond Robin Archive Series

3 years ago

Welcome to the Bond Robin Channel. This presentation is the second video in our Archive Series. Don't think by the name "Archive" that we are merely rehashing previous Bond Robin videos. That happens on the Bond Robin Digest Channel, on Rumble. The Archive Videos are videos of historical significance, which you have to comprehend to understand where we are. Thousands of times, Bond has ripped off Ayn Rand's primary tenant of Objectivism; actually, Sid Caesar's comedy routine predates Rand's Objectivist maxim, it goes, in its most elementary form:

You cannot know where you are, if you don't know how you got here. If you don't know how you got here, you cannot know, what, and where, here is.

We must comprehend the path we took to reach this Completely Fascist, Totalitarian, and Globalist State in 2021, a state where the Global Power Elite has taken control of all decision-making, and our voices are not heard, a state that is perpetrating Global Genocide.

Why has it happened? How has it happened?

Without this key as to how we came to this, the chances of surviving it, much less conquering it, are zero. They were at work decades before you noticed and all the time using their media to blame you for the world's problems. You are a virus on the planet, they claim, and you need to be eliminated.

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