What If Today's Republican Party Were The Mirror Image Of Today's Democrat Party?

2 years ago


The Left has gotten away with calling conservatives--and now Trump and his supporters--dangerous extremists for years. Will examines those calling the shots on their side of the aisle, and compares who they are with what an equivalent crowd of "right-wingers" would look like. In this context, he discusses today's methane summit, attended by Biden and John Kerry; and the CRT curriculum in Virginia schools that gubernatorial candidate Terry McCauliffe denies.

#Biden #JohnKerry #Marxism #Conservatism #TerryMcCauliffe #ClimateChange #GlobalMethaneInitiative #CRT #Trump #GlennYoungkin #SocialSecurity #Medicare #JoeManchin #Republicans #Democrats #VirginiaGubernatorialRace #education

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