Newt on Virginia – These Guys Can Go To Jail, 3718

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup – the coup whose primary purpose is to weaken the United States so that it can be destroyed from within.

Maria Bartiromo blasted a few home runs on her Sunday morning show that is worthy of repeat for those who missed it, along with some comments.

Maria is one of my favorite sources of information, along with many others too numerous to mention, like President Trump, Tucker, Laura, Hannity if you can edit out his propensity for list recitations. Then comes America’s Mayor, Newt, Pompeo, Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, John Ratcliff, Rick Grenell, I could go on and on.

And I just criticized Hannity for making lists. Well, I’ve never made a list like that, but come to think of it, there is one more very relevant of a reliable source of information – those are the MDs, and none of them are on Fox.

At the top of the list is Dr. Peter McCullough, and coming in second is a regular on our show, Dr. Bose Ravenel. One more – our favorite on the machinations of Big Brother, Bill Binney.

Interestingly, there is no one on my list who is currently employed by the rest of the MSM who is worth spending one minute listening to.

Maria’s first segment started out with a clip of just how stupid Kamala Harris is.
Tomorrow then was today – Monday. Election day, Ms. Vice Presidential pretender in chief – is the first Tuesday, not the first Monday of November.

This woman is so dumb – the perfect consort for the pretender in chief.

Then Newt Gingrich came on to analyze why the Democrat is losing to the Republican in Virginia – a state which – thanks in part to internet-connected voting machines – had turned solidly blue in recent years.

[insert to: “… average Virginian]

And that is their weakness. The Democrats have been totally taken over by different wings of the Communist/Socialist party. Centrist Democrats to them are no better than Donald Trump. What they don’t get is they did not gain power legitimately, and so the power pendulum is swinging to them right now at a much-accelerated pace, and Virginia is the first target.

[insert to: “… McCoulough went down.”[

Here we see a prime example of Lord Acton’s axiom played out in real-time – not just in the U.S., but across the world.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Once those in power are no longer truly doing the will of the people – their constituents, and, in the case of my old home county in Virginia, Loudoun County, specifically, they can’t see or don’t care to see, shifts in public opinion, and those shifts, inevitably will run over them suddenly, usually catching them completely unaware. History is full of examples of this, the fate of power-mad politicians.

This concept is present in big business concepts as well. It’s called cutting the feedback loop. It harkens back to the old days of the “Suggestion Box”. If you are unwilling to gather and treasure the feedback from those under you, you open yourself up to the kind of sudden retribution which U.S. Democrats are sure to suffer in coming years – or even days.

This works in politics at any level, or even a classroom, or right down to a family level. The more you ignore the natural feedback loop, the harsher your fall will eventually be.

Newt now makes a comment that everyone understands who are outside the inner clique of those who gained their power by cheating the rest of us.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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