The Weekly Energy Foresight for November 1-7, 2021

2 years ago

🔮 November 1-7, 2021

🌟 Page Of Pentacles

Oh, look! Here's the Card for learning a new skill!

It's important to remember to be patient with yourself during this process.

Allow yourself to soak up the knowledge as if you were a child experiencing a new game - practice, practice, practice!

Who knows... this might just be a skill you use to make some extra money - or to acquire a whole new future business!

Enjoy This Journey

🧙‍♂️ Mid-Week ~ 1-4

Father Sky

🗡End-Week ~ 4-7


🎉 Observances

1 - Dia De Los Muertos - Day Of The Dead ~ Day 1

- All Saints Day

- National Authors Day

- National Cook For Your Pets Day

- National Family Literacy Day

- World Vegan Day

2 - Dia De Los Muertos - Day Of The Dead ~ Day 2

- All Souls Day

- Election Day: USA - VOTE!

- Melbourne Cup Day: AUS

3 - National Stress Awareness Day

4 - Diwali

- National Candy Day

- New Moon

5 - Guy Fawkes Day: UK

- National Doughnut Day

6 - National Bison Day

- National Nachos Day

- National Play Outside Day

- Samhain Cross-Quarter Day

7 - Daylight Savings Time Ends: USA & CAN - Turn Clocks Back 1 Hour

- National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day



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