Are You Still You Without Your Memories?

3 years ago

Memento is a movie about how memory shapes who we are and will be. In this episode we'll discuss—

Memento is a movie about how memory shapes who we are and will be. In this episode we'll discuss—

Memento is a movie about how memory shapes who we are and will be. In this episode we'll discuss—

Memory is more like a god that determines our fate than we realize. Whether remembered or repressed, memory informs our choices, which create our future.

In this episode:

⋗ Human vulnerability and the desire to exploit vulnerabilities
⋗ The way memory makes us who we are and who we will be
⋗ Whether ignorance of history is like living with no memories

And now a question for you:

We view "being present" as an inherent good, but living in the present with no ability to learn from the past or imagine the future makes us more like instinct-driven animals than self-aware humans.

What ways can an individual or society use their past to shape their future?

◬ This clip is from a patron-only episode. Members of the Silver Eye Society get every weekly episode plus a civilized space to discuss philosophy, society, mythology, and more on Patreon (

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