Straight Shooting News - Unmasking The Faces of Evil Halloween Special - Part 1

2 years ago

Part 1 – This should send a chill up your spine. Join Straight Shooting News group on for fullest description.

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SHARE THIS to those who believe you are hyped up on Conspiracy Theory, or unfounded, misguided, disinformation.

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The term ‘evil’ means any who try to enslave the Spirit of Liberty. They say they are doing all of this FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. (See previous SSN shows on ‘GREATER GOOD’, or ‘COMMON GOOD’.)

First we unmask the Faces of Evil in the unelected non-government officials who act against the Constitution and Inalienable Rights. They see themselves as OVERLORDS.

President George Washington warned us of this in his farewell address:

Would these overlords, who believe they have some mandate to decide for us, create a phony climate crisis, or even an emergency or viral in order to further control ‘the masses’?

Pay attention to this real life horror movie.

Winston Churchill’s words, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste.” Inspiring when said by Churchill during World War II, meaning to look for a silver lining, but what does it mean today?

Recall “Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Synthesis”; an OVERLORD causes a problem, convinces the populous to call for a remedy (that they present), and thus this created crisis results in the very goal the OVERLORDS had in mind (‘the greater good’). People believe they are being saved from some problem, only to lose more natural rights and freedoms.

Is this conspiracy theory, or actual, dangerous conspiracy and historical – and contemporary - fact?

Oct 2019 Event 201 Pandemic exercise by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation –
IMPORTANT: There may be evidence this bioweapon was unleased as early as September 2019, two months before this so-called exercise. Coincidence or preplanned? If preplanned who was behind it, and why?
Play to 4:50 –or youtube:
Notice the speakers. … What part did the United Nations play? Was this only a drill?

8:15 to 9:20 – emphasis upon MISINFORMATION and how to CONTROL the MESSAGE. (See last week’s show.) Recall Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube imposed widespread COVID-19 CENSORSHIP.

Play to 11:45 –If COVID was planned, it is a national defense matter. Who would the military now be defending the nation from?

Senator Rand Paul:

Representative Nunes –

Texas Rep Chip Roy responds to NY Rep Jerry Nadler about using weapons against U.S. Troops. Watch Nadler’s face. It appears Rep Nadler has no idea about the oath he swore to uphold.

Where do loyalties lie? “Our Story”:
Systems Thinking instead of the independent thinking and innovation …

Prof. Klaus Schwab of Geneva University whose vision is a “Global Village” and a Fourth Economic Revolution

Klaus formed the WEF in 1971, to control “The World” for “The Greater Good”.

Reporters speak of the next WEF event in Dubai:
So much for a free market.
Brief statement by President Trump in Davos 2020:

How much influence does Davos have over our governments or our daily affairs?

Short podcast, how to vaccinate the world or Vaccine Nationalism.

House on Fire:
The Natural World? Respect and reciprocity? How does indigenous people relate to vaccinating the world, global interconnections, or supply chains, and medical mandates? Indigenous people were connected to spiritual healing, herbal nutrients and minerals found in nature, all things more compatible to naturopathic remedies and strengthening the body’s own, natural immune system to cure diseases, not modern medical interventions and global solutions.

More WEF fear through climate change:
Part 1 concludes with Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida questioning about climate change and emissions.
Listen to the CEO of an oil company:

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