Right Now - Gareth Icke Talks To InfoWars Alex Jones

2 years ago

Right Now - Gareth Icke Talks To InfoWars Alex Jones & Chris Thrall Of The Global Veterans Alliance About Resisting Tyranny

Info Wars host Alex Jones joins Gareth Icke this week to talk about the resistance movement in the USA, alongside the impact of South West Airlines and a much needed message of hope.

While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! Link: health(.)p0l(.)org - Remove "()" in order to access to website

Something that REALLY bugs me is HOW FAST jane and joe doe forget things; somehow the fact obama (together with hillary and our infamous ‘friend’ brandon!) has built hundreds of camps all over the usa, and further they have converted a few dozen walmart buildings into PRISON COMPLEXES some of which have not just holding- but also ‘interrogation’-cells (remember george double-v’s ‘enhanced interrogation methods’..?) - and even CREMATORIES.
These videos were all over yt back then! But somehow most people have already long forgotten about those… I’m convinced they’re STILL STANDING and the illegitimate powers in this country will put them to ‘good use’ in the not so far future.
But maybe i’m just another conspi’ nut… 🤔

Will we ever see the absolutely necessary 2nd edition of the Nurnberg trials for daszek, fauxi, and all the other nwo fascist tyrants?! These creatures are hellbent on destroying the world as we know it - and they WILL!! NOT!! STOP!! ON THEIR OWN!! EVER!! It’s upon US to stop them, us ALL, globally!!
‘We’re gonna win this!!’ I so SO intensely hope you’re right Alex… 💪

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