AZ Ed Failing Our Children, Why?

2 years ago

AZ Appointed Board Violates AZ Constitution

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AZ Governor's appoint the Board of Education, this board then sets policy and allows the Local School Districts to move through this basically at their will as most in AZ have now learned with the Mask Mandates, CRT being taught, and the results of Board Policy is many who are graduating High Schools can't read, do math needed to obtain a good paying job when they Graduate, since AZ is still at the Bottom of the Barrell in National Ratings, and many employers according to former AZ Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Horne don't trust the AZ Ed system or our Children's Diplomas.

We must follow the AZ Constitution to Fix these problems and make those in Office due their Duty as Laid Out in the AZ Constitution.

Article XI. Section 2

Conduct and Supervision of School System

Section 2. The general conduct and supervision of the public school system shall be vested in a State Board of Ed., a state superintendent of public instruction, county school superintendents, and such governing boards for the state as may be provided by law.

This doesn't say Policy-Making Authority and duties shall be vested in an executive state board of education, SPI, etd., because it can't!! The 1st Legislature deliberately abrogated its own policy-making authority and duties when it gave its statutory authority to the board, contravening the AZ Constitution from the start, in order to take us down the path to the mess we're in now! Arizonans have been snookered for over 100 yrs. by the subversion and perversion of our school system by the Progressives/Collectivists. AZ must be informed and reeducated that the citizenry as to what the AZ Constitution really says, and don't believe that will happen with those now in office, as most of them don't even know this and far too many don't read it.

Article IV. Part 2. Section 20 Appropriation Bills

The general appropriation bill shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the different departments of the state, for state institutions, for public schools, and for interest on the public debt. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills, each embracing but one subject.

Basically this means it cannot be used to nullify a Constitutional Board and make it an agency, thereby the bill SB 1469 passed in a Reconciliation bill in 2015 under the direction of Gov. Ducey with the assistance of then Sen. Biggs is Illegal, just as the No Mandate Bill was found when they passed it this year, because as stated they had no other way to get it passed, proving those in Office Violated their Oath of Office to the AZ Constitution.

If Parents want to take back their Control over their Children's Education then Vote Out those now running for office who seem to believe they can Violate their Oath of Office as done by them in 2015 on SB 1469, 2016 when 20 Rep. Legislators passed the National Popular Vote, and again in 2021 with the No Mandate Bill, even though I oppose Masks, Forced Inoculations, etc. don't believe Violating Our Laws by those who are suppose to Preserve, Protect & Defend them is what any of us wants, as remember who gave the President, Governors, Mayors, etc. the Emergency Power to Dictate to us for the Last Two years and now for as far as the Eye can see, that type of Power will lead to All of US to Losing Our God Granted Rights & Freedoms.

Let's all take a look at the AZ Constitution when it comes to what Elected Office Holders are supposed to set Policy for the Public School system from Kindergarten up to and including Universities.

Article XI Section I States: A. The Legislature shall enact such laws as shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a general and uniform public school system, which shall include Kindergarten, Common Schools, High Schools, Normal Schools, Industrial Schools, and Universities.

The Legislature enacts laws as shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a general and uniform public school system... This language applied to the Lawmaking Body covers policy-making because laws are the Policies! ( The general and uniform clause is the basis for attacking Common Core, CRT etc.! There are court decisions that back this up.

Note that the state public school system isn't authorized to establish or maintain any school before Kindergarten! They are doing so under the Federal Funding legislation tied to the Education Mandates!

Remember Laws are Policy, so if you truly want to Fix Education in AZ then Force those who are Running for the AZ Senate & House to start by Passing Laws to Fix Education with the Teeth to Enforce them, and not the laws like in Voting which Led to the 2020 Election being Stolen from all of us.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however what's been taking place over past Decades in the Church has helped lead us into this present danger in DC, and many State Governments as well, so unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall before Waking Up and once again forming a Black Robe Movement in America?

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God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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