There is a credible threat that a terrorist attack may happen in Northern Virginia or DC area

2 years ago

There is a credible terrorist threat that ISIS forces have activated a cell in Northern Virginia and this cell seem to have originated in Afghanistan and due to lack of tracking and lack of biometrics they don’t know who they are, but they do expect an attack in Northern Virginia THIS WEEKEND. This is report is not originating from the FBI, rather this is coming directly from the military that has been tracking this cell for at least a couple of months. On top of everything else, a DNI report has come out that we don’t have a way to determine the genetic manipulations of virus. They have no real way of telling that the COVID-19 virus as a result of a gain of function experiment. When you see an ISIS terrorist threat in Northern Virginia, this is what came off the plane off of Dallas, and if anything pops off this Halloween weekend, the air martial who was so arrogant about bringing 60,000 refugees to American soil should be court martialed.

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