Center Valley Animal Rescue eMails with Jefferson County Sheriff. Michael Allmain Case. Part ONE

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2 years ago

Jefferson County Undersheriff writes letter to Cover Up for Sara Penhallegon in Investigations, Complaints filed Against her.
The Investigation Cover Up for CVAR by Jefferson County Sheriff’s OFFICE. Let's Take a Deeper Look.

Port Hadlock resident calls 911 about a dog that looked “attacked”

Here is that Incident Report, 4-20-2019

Michael Allmain had posted a lost dog on Facebook and called the Sheriff and asked if they had heard anything. On April 25th 2019, Michael Allmain comes to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and signs a handwritten statement. Click Below for that

Deputy Brian Peterson LIES to Homeless Man, Michael Allmain about the location of his dog and tells him it is at the Humane Society, per written serving of the Notice of IMPOUND on Date of Impound on it 4-20-2019. No Date on signatures of Michael and Deputy (that date is actually 4-25-2019) Clock Below for the Fraudulent Notice of Impound and says dog at Human Society and 5 days to get back.

Keep in mind per the 4-20-2019 Incident Report and Deputy Peterson added Narrative on 4-25-2021, Michael Allmain was Told that his dog was at a CONFIDENTIAL Location and would not be released unless the Vet said so, but what Vet. Sara was not a licensed Vet, It was illegal for Moses, Michaels Dog to be held hostage there and kept deliberately, painfully and maliciously from his owner Michael Allmain. Click below and go to the bottom for Deputy narrative stated the above.

5-11-2019 Deputy Brian Peterson Picks up MOSES from CVAR as the ENTITY under contract with the county that should have had the dog per State LAW had complained. Sara had Deputy Peterson Sign this Document that day. Click Below

Sara Penhallegon CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Breaks the Law, there is an Investigation, Complaint Filed by Paul Becker according to her emails. So she asks your Sheriff’s to help her get out of the investigation. After she held this guy’s dog, away from him cruelly and let others visit his dog but not him, enabled by the Sheriff to hold this stolen property illegally. And she administered painful expensive treatments, claiming the dog aggressive but Moses was not aggressive to anyone else ever. She had treated him so cruelly.

Center valley animal rescue, Sara Penhallegon sends an email to deputy Brian Peterson and deputy Andy Pernsteiner undersheriff on September 20th and she says this

“Hi Brian and Andy, I have been turned in by an anonymous person, bet you can guess who, to the veterinarian board over roadie/moses the dog transferred to cvar for emergency care. Can you provide any type of statement I can send to the board when I send our medical records and statements? I will be asking the PTP for the same over the Estes case. I'm hoping if I get them enough information this will be dropped fast and I won't have to worry about it. If you could just State reasoning for having us take this animal on emergency, needing emergency Care on a weekend and the local HS not having medical facilities hopefully our meeting with Philip Morley will help us fix this issue for good. I'm hoping we can work this out fast so animals in Jefferson county can get the care they need soon thanks everyone Sara”

Click Below for Those Emails

On October 29th 2019 Jefferson County Sheriff's office Andy Pernsteiner sends a letter to Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue that says the following:

“Dear Sara Penhallegon, on 420 2019 deputies responded to a report of a stray dog in lower hadlock in Port hadlock washington. The dog was badly injured and in need of emergency medical attention. This date was Saturday and has such emergency medical care for the animals limited in Jefferson county. The owner of the dog was unknown to the deputies at the time of the call and they believed it was in the best interest of the dog to receive immediate medical Care from center valley animal rescue. Deputy Denney transported the dog to cvar for medical care.

It was later determined that the dog had fallen out of the back of a pickup and the owner was attempting to get the dog back. The dog was transferred from cvar to Jefferson county humane society where they reunited the dog with its owner sincerely and the prince Steiner undersheriff Jefferson county”

Click Below for the Andy Pernstein, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Letter to CVAR Sara, after she emailed him, and other Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy's to cover up for her.

It seems to have worked because CVAR was able to continue their 3 year attack on INNOCENT Michael Allmain, and all the while knowing he was innocent, as their emails to each other shows. This Thread is to Focus on how the Jefferson County Sheriff Enabled CVAR to commit a crime against Michael Allmain and have no liability and launch a 3 year attack on an innocent homeless man.

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light, Port Townsend.

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