2021න් පසු මේක යථා තත්වයට පත් වෙන් නෑ. ලෝකේ කඩා වැටීම පටන් ගන්නවා || Siwhela TV

3 years ago

original channel : siwhela tv

Dear brothers and sisters, I think this video will be deleted from youtube as they don't want us to know whats really going on,
I have uploaded to this channel in case if it gets deleted.

I encourage you to have an open mind about everything.

Think about it this way….

If I traveled in time to 2011 and told you that in 2021 and comming years we would be faced with:

A pandemic with a 97%++ survival rate.

A pandemic so serious that hospitals fire hundrads of workers during it.

And GLOBAL GOVERNMENTS that have actively declared war on its own NATIONS.

An experimental vaccine that injures and KILL those who take it and animals died after these experimental tests.

The ingredient list contain chemicals, poisons, cancer causing substances, and damage central nervous system and shut down my immune system , change my DNA.

An experimental injection so effective that it doesn't work unless everyone takes it and I still can get this 'V- BUG' unless I wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

A virus ('V-bug') so deadly you need to test not ONCE but TWICE to see if you really have it. Also it depends on how many cycles it need to run, decided by WHO.
On the 20th January 2021 the WHO had infomed world to reduce the cycles to 28. (Inaguration day)

An effective vaccine that I have to take once, twice, 3,4,5 times and boosters every 4-6 months.

A government mandating it if I want to live as a 'free' soul.

A vaccine that is so good for me and they have to force on me in order to earn my living, buy food, to do bank transactions, get the driving licence and finally live as I wish to.

Ships off the coast of the countries around, unable to unload cargo.

Crops destroyed by incentivizing farmers

A media completely lying to me. They sensor the links with valuable info and they do not have something to hide.

The MEDIA, authorities, WHO, WORLD BANK, IMF, UNICEF, CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, CIA, UNITED NATIONS, UNICEF, WORLD BANK, IMF hide the truth from public.

Media sensor the links with valuable info if they have nothing to hide.

Governments-The politicians that we the people have given our power away to and now these politicians have become very influential that force us to stick experimental needles in the name of health that change our DNA, causing invalidity and finally killing many.

Would you believe me?

And still you think it’s a theory?

Anyone disagree?

Men, women are big enough to decide for ourselves.

මෙහි ඇති කරුණු වල සහ ප්‍රකාෂ වල අයිතිය සහ වගකීම් සියල්ලම මෙ⁣ම මුල් අයිතිකරු සතු බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.

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මෙය සම්පූර්ණයෙන් බලන්න.. දැනුවත් වන්න...
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