Pastor Earl Wallace

3 years ago

Foundation of America’s Culture

A Patriot, Pastor Earl Wallace has served in the US Army, has been a high school English teacher, a Christian musician, a Bible conference teacher, and a Tea Party spokesperson throughout UpState, NY from 2008-2011, which included TV and radio appearances.

In 2012, while teaching a 3D Leadership course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, he had two lunches and dinners with a self-identified jihadist, who advised him “You Americans are doomed, because you don’t know how to defend your culture. We will use every freedom against you.” From that encounter Earl began a new search for what is the foundation of America’s culture. Earl realized how our Nation’s amazing Biblical foundation was undermined, who did and is doing it, and how they are doing it.

In 2014, Earl became the founding pastor of Liberty Christian Fellowship Church near Albany, NY to teach that the Bible applies to every aspect of life, including our civics. “Pastor Earl” teaches “The Biblical Basis of The Bill of Rights” to call Americans to reaffirm our Biblical, God-given, Ten Commandments, unalienable rights, upon which American culture was founded.

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